ICW Malaysia 2018

EMACO has participated as exhibitor in International Construction Week 2018 happened in KLCC Exhibition Hall. The International Construction Week 2018 was organised by UBM and hosted by Minister Of Work Malaysia together with CIDB Malaysia. The International Construction Week 2018  brought together construction industry players as showcased, learnt, built partnerships and shared innovative ideas. The event had been held from 26 – 30 March 2018 in Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre and CIDB IBS Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

During the exhibition, the participants got the opportunity to visit our booth and had been briefed  on our company information with brochure. Furthermore, EMACO also got the opportunity to showcase our Company as being one of the leading fire safety companies in Malaysia.

EMACO is proud to be the part of the ICW 2018 and where visitor found that it was the best platform for construction industry leaders and policy makers to showcase and learn about innovative products and services and build strategic alliances, as well as lucrative business partnerships. The ICW brought together corporations and industry experts to share and learn from the cutting edge technologies developed in the construction of buildings and infrastructure in a sustainable manner.

ICW 2018 had featured exhibitions, seminars and talks on the use of modern construction technologies such as:

  1. Industrialised Building Systems (IBS)
  2. Building Information Modeling (BIM)
  3. New sustainable materials and energy sources
  4. Innovative design approaches
  5. Advances in digital technology

Together with Ecobuild SEA, ICW 2018 showcased the latest sustainable processes, systems and materials in the construction industry. This is part of their efforts to transform Malaysia’s construction industry to be more green and sustainable as outlined within the second strategic thrust of the Construction Industry Transformation Programme 2016-2020 (CITP)

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EAMCO GLOBAL Logo White based in USA, provides full spectrum of fire safety and security products and solutions for industrial, commercial and large residential premises. Each premise is unique and we design solutions that best fit in the market and cater to all present and future needs.
Copyright: 2019 | All Rights Reserved | EMACO GLOBAL LLC.